The NATCO Blog

Ideas in Transit

February 6, 2018

Rust Never Sleeps

Propping Up a Crumbling Infrastructure. There’s an old New Yorker magazine cartoon. Doctor says to his patient, “Structurally, you’re sound. It’s your façade that’s crumbling.” Team NATCO is keenly interested in roads, bridges, weather, and the march of time, all […]
January 3, 2018

The Logic in Transportation Logistics

The Intersection of Residential and Commercial.  Our friends at American Trucker just summarized some fascinating statistics in its article: “Where will freight flow? To the west, truckers, to the west.” Yes, the headline might seem really obvious as to the […]
December 5, 2017

Maintaining Expertise

Introducing Cori Eckley, CTB. Team NATCO is proud to announce that our very own Cori Eckley, vice president of operations, is now a Certified Transportation Broker. Administered by the Transportation Intermediaries Association, the CTB is “the highest broker certification that […]