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April 4, 2019
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May 1, 2019Proudly: Cori Eckley, TIA Board Member
NATCO is extremely proud and honored to announce that our very own VP Cori Eckley has been elected as an At-large Member of Transportation Intermediaries Association‘s Board of Directors.
The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) is the professional organization of the $186 billion third-party logistics industry. TIA is the only organization exclusively representing transportation intermediaries of all disciplines, doing business in domestic and international commerce. TIA is the voice of the 3PL industry to shippers, carriers, government officials and international organizations.
“TIA is blessed by business owners and leaders willing to donate their time, talent, and treasure to the advance both the Association and the industry,” said Bob Voltmann, TIA President and CEO. “We are excited to welcome Cori to the TIA Board. Her energy and experience will add to the fabric of the Board and how we serve the members.”
“Thanks to everyone who supported me during this process, said Cori. “I very much appreciate being elected to this group of transportation professionals. I’ve been honored by my membership in TIA for many years now. I’ve always found great insights through participating in TIA’s conferences, and I admire its initiatives.
“Now that honor has been enhanced. As an At-large member of the TIA Board, I look forward to use my cumulative knowledge to help make our industry stronger, more adaptable, and more focused on the human element of transportation.”

Cori, NATCO: Certified
Transportation has been a central part of Cori’s family for decades. Her father was a third-generation carrier who drove to pay for his college studies. Cori became VP of NATCO’s operations in 2005. Throughout her impressive career, her top priority has been how her company interacts with people—carrier, dispatch, and customer alike.
In late 2017, Cori became a Certified Transportation Broker (CTB). Administered by TIA, the CTB is “the highest broker certification that exists and the most widely recognized distinction in the transportation industry.”
She holds a BS in Business Administration (with a minor in Finance and an MBA (Business Administration), all from Bellevue University.
Team NATCO sends its hearty congrats to Cori on yet another deserved advancement.