Highway Express
June 23, 2023
Parking a Lot
July 7, 2023
Highway Express
June 23, 2023
Parking a Lot
July 7, 2023

The Cost of Doing Business

Why Your Milk Costs More

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) recently released a report: An Analysis of the Operational Costs of Trucking.

The study “analyzes a wide variety of line-item costs, operating efficiencies, and revenue benchmarks by fleet size and sector.”

Among its findings:

  • Total marginal costs climbed to a new high in 2022 for the second year in a row, increasing by 21.3 percent over 2021 to $2.251 per mile.
  • Driver wages increased by 15.5 percent, to $0.724 per mile, reflecting the ongoing industry effort to attract and retain drivers.
  • Truck and trailer payments increased by 18.6 percent to $0.331 per mile as carriers paid higher prices, largely due to equipment impediments in the supply chains.
  • Parts shortages and rising technician labor rates pushed repair and maintenance costs up 12 percent to $0.196 per mile.
  • While larger fleets’ average operating margins improved from 2021 to 2022, smaller fleets saw operating margins decline.

ATRI breaks down the average marginal costs per mile for a number of factors. Here’s a selection, comparing costs between 2013 and 2022:


Motor Carrier Costs 2013 2022
Fuel Costs $0.645 $0.641
Repair & Maintenance $0.148 $0.196
Truck Insurance Premiums $0.064 $0.088
Tires $0.041 $0.045
Tolls $0.019 $0.028
. . . • • • • • •

To underscore those numbers, that’s an average cost of $2.25 cents per mile.

Let’s break it down another way, this time with a selection of marginal costs per hour:


Motor Carrier Costs 2013 2022
Fuel Costs $25.78 $25.84
Repair & Maintenance $5.92 $7.89
Truck Insurance Premiums $2.57 $3.57
Tires $1.65 $1.81
Tolls $0.77 $1.14
. . . • • • • • •

The operational cost of trucking was, on average, $23.78 more in 2022 than it was in 2013.

As the report summarizes, “Truck and trailer payments, repair and maintenance, auto liability insurance premiums, tires, and driver wages all set record high marginal costs in 2022.”

Inflation happens. Road repair and replacement required detours. The pandemic happened. The supply chain bottlenecked. (And a movie ticket used to cost a quarter.) All combinations of factors contribute to rising costs.

The cost of doing business partly explains why your quart of milk costs more these days.