Heavy Haul Transport Solutions
March 22, 2016
NATCO: Serving Texas
April 12, 2016Effectively Countering Situations with Smart Recovery.
Weather happens. (Yes, feel free to replace “weather” with any term you might like better.)
When severe weather events occur, they unleash all types of consequences. They always have and likely always will. A lot of these results are predictable. Alongside the human consequences, flooding, for example, will cause mold that must be removed and inventory that must be replaced. Fire requires demolition, removal, and reconstruction.
People and organizations have developed a number of methods for setting more rapid response into motion, all toward a more timely addressing of human and property loss and a reduction in both downtime and financial loss.
One small example: Wal-Mart’s research has found that we tend to buy strawberry Pop-Tarts at a rate of up to seven times greater when a hurricane is approaching. And so, depending on forecasts, Wal-Mart will increase its supply of strawberry Pop-Tarts to the target areas ahead of a storm.
While we can’t determine in advance the extent of damage of an approaching event, NATCO has deep history of rapidly responding to the needs of our customers.
A recent hail storm in the south caused extensive damage to cars, homes, and businesses. A company hired NATCO to coordinate transport of forklifts to the area for the loading and offloading of construction supplies for the repair and rebuilding efforts.
This particular company has an out-of-state storage yard filled with supplies that are used precisely for such disasters. NATCO quickly addressed and confirmed specific elements of the transport, including delivery from that storage yard to various locations of the company’s branches.
Team NATCO is flexible and experienced with our logistics to handle the return shipments—either immediately after delivery of equipment or at the end of any given storm season.
While we can’t control the weather, in good times and bad we can control our timely and professional response to all of our customer needs.